About us

The goal of FNR is to help companies and entrepreneurs lighten the administrative and fiscal load. We are a team of passionate specialists. It is important to us that our professional experience and knowledge will save you time and money, and thus give you peace of mind in the management of your company.

Our customers selected us, because they realized they didn’t have enough time or knowledge to find the best way through the maze of bookkeeping and fiscal matters. After letting FNR take over some minor tasks, they soon realized that doing business with FNR pays off.

We see FNR as an “on demand” department of your organization with the purpose of letting you run your business care-free. It is essential for us to become an extension to the company of our client. By staying in close contact with regards to the administrative and fiscal issues, we conduct our work in a tailor-made way so our customers can get more time and profit out of their business.

We match well with entrepreneurs who realize that regular contact with a fiscal specialist adds strategic value to their enterprise. That is why regular visits to our customers and pro-actively bring ideas to the table with regards to business operations, is part of our manner of working.

Do you recognize yourself as an entrepreneur who sees the added value of high value specialism? Then we would love to get acquainted with you. Please get in touch, and we will set up a meeting, either digitally or in person.